Artist. Healer. Seeker. Adventurer.
So…what do you do?
When living in New York City the first question asked upon meeting someone is, “What do you do?” While I admit I’ve never been good at following a traditional path, I am very good at following my heart. So, my answer has often been awkward or complicated as my heart has lead me to a variety of jobs, passions, and career paths that now make up the patchwork quilt of “what I do.” I tenaciously follow the guidance of my heart and it has yet to lead me astray, no matter how difficult the challenges or how great the rewards. I do what I love. I want to “human” well, and I want to help others do the same in the way that serves them best. I am an artist, healer, seeker, and adventurer. So…what do you do?
~Desirée Christa Ricker
“I want to dance always, to be good and not evil, and when it is all over not to have the feeling that I might have done better.” — Ruth St. Denis
Photo by Aaron Stiles Photography